domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2014

Test Chaea results

Active: Creative, leaders, innovators, improvisers, daring, enthusiastic collaborators, adventurers, leaders, inventors, hustlers experience, idea generators are initiated, willful, funny, talkative, competitive, eager to learn.

Reflective: Responsive, weighted, thorough, analytical, comprehensive, observers, compilers, patient, careful, retailers, researchers, assimilating, prudent, distant, slow.

Pragmatists: Practical, experimenters, direct, effective, realistic, technical, fast, determined, planners, concrete, determined, organizers, clear, problem solvers.

Theoretical: Methodical, logical, objective, critical, structured, disciplined, planners, systematic, orderly, synthetic, thinkers, thinkers, perfectionists, seekers of hypotheses, theories, models.

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