domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2014

Test Chaea results

Active: Creative, leaders, innovators, improvisers, daring, enthusiastic collaborators, adventurers, leaders, inventors, hustlers experience, idea generators are initiated, willful, funny, talkative, competitive, eager to learn.

Reflective: Responsive, weighted, thorough, analytical, comprehensive, observers, compilers, patient, careful, retailers, researchers, assimilating, prudent, distant, slow.

Pragmatists: Practical, experimenters, direct, effective, realistic, technical, fast, determined, planners, concrete, determined, organizers, clear, problem solvers.

Theoretical: Methodical, logical, objective, critical, structured, disciplined, planners, systematic, orderly, synthetic, thinkers, thinkers, perfectionists, seekers of hypotheses, theories, models.

My thought about the 4th evaluation

This evaluation was a little strange, because we couldn't get all the required information and I guess it was because we were only 5 partners and all the rest ran away,  fleeing of their responsabilities.

My thought about the 3rd evaluation.

I didn't even study to that evaluation.  But even like that, I had a great calification.  It was easy and contained all what we saw in class.

My thought about the 2nd evaluation

I was abscent when the second evaluation was performed.  I'm really sorry.

Unit 6 Vocabulary

Unit 6

1.       Conference: a meeting for consultation or discussion.
-We talked about all kind of stuff in the conference.  You should really have gone.

2.       Travel: to go from one place to another, as by car, train, plane, or ship.
-The travel has been very long; I think my legs are asleep.

3.       Project: a specific plan.
-I think this is a good project but is not enough to our company.

4.       Hobby: an activity engaged in for pleasure or relaxation.
-My hobby is to put some laxative in my dog’s food when I have time.

5.       Business: the buying and selling of goods for profit; trade; commerce.

-I have a great business in mind.  But I need your help to do it and earn more money.

Unit 5 Vocabulary

Unit 5

1.       Socket: a device into which an electric plug can be inserted in order to make a connection in a circuit.
-This power socket is not working.  My computer didn’t recharge its battery.

2.       Management: the persons directing a business; executives.
-This company is going to break.  We need to improve our management staff.

3.       Building: anything (such as a house, etc.) built on an area of land, having a roof and walls and usually intended to be kept in one place.
-I think someday this building is going to fall with an earthquake.  It feels so weak.

4.       Near: closely with respect to connection or similarity.
-Those hotels are really near.  They’re almost together.

5.       Population: the total number of persons, animals, or other living things living in a country, city, etc.
              -Population is increasing these days.  Don’t you see all the people in the streets right now?

Unit 4 Vocabulary

Unit 4

1.       Stand for: to represent or mean.
-Does this word stand for this other?
2.       Customer: a person who purchases goods or services from another; buyer.
-I was one of their most loyal customers.

3.       Send (to): to cause to be carried or brought to a destination.
-This email was sent yesterday.

4.       Download: to copy or transfer (data or a program) into the memory of one computer system from a larger one.
-I don’t know how to download an image to my computer.

5.       Pay (to): to give over (money) (to someone) in exchange for something.

-I don’t have enough money to pay for my own house.